“I’m a loaner Dotty, a rebel.”, or maybe just a Rogue Trooper?

One of the guys in my Krav Maga class is a comic fan (none of my comics, of course), especially his childhood faves from 2000AD; Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, and Rogue Trooper. He’s recently been loaning me the collected volumes of those which I haven’t read in years (in the case of Dredd), or ever got into (like Strontium Dog and Rogue Trooper). As a thank you, I cranked out this Rogue Trooper for him, but the lazy ƒµç≤er hasn’t been in class for over a month! So maybe he’ll see this post, get his butt back to class, and pick up the tome of Rogue he loaned me, and his drawing. Really I’m just eager to read whatever else he’s gonna loan me.
