Author: S.L. Gallant Page 16 of 70

Beano from another galaxy!

Got to do a fill in strip of Bash Street Kids. This was my favorite bit from the two pager. Only clip, so check out the strip for…

F.A. Beano

Got to do a Bash Street Kids fill in strip for this week’s issue. I’m not sure most kids won’t get the reference, but I had to throw…

I’ve Beano all over the place!

I’m scattered all over this week’s Beano; from puzzles to crafts. Here’s a sneak of a candy themed seek-&-find. 

Unarmed Cos-bat!

I don’t think that’s regulation.

Beano getting on my nerves!

Another puzzle page in Beano this week, and apparently it was frustrating… according to Reg the Veg Seller.

Veggin’ out

Another activity page this week, this time starring Reg the Veg vendor. 

Cos I’m in love with Florence Nightingale!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Anyone know the words to Blue Hawai’i?

Yep, more non-life drawing, only today it’s a new model! Like this one seems to be, the other must be on vacation. Kidding, photographs don’t go on vacation,…

Bad apple ruins the whole Beano bunch

Did a puzzle page for the Beano this week with the Bash Street Kids! Have an apple a day, that keeps the Doctor away… well, and wearing a…

Bushel of Beano

Got an activity page in Beano this week, and here are the pencils of the Bash Street Kids. Check back to see this in color, but you gotta…

Malpractice? Of cos not.

Well, I did my best. Sheesh. Another non-life drawing nurse cosplay sketch; and the closest likeness so far.

Bubbling over with joy

More non-life drawing, with the same model as on Monday. She’s a goofball.

And so it begins…

That’s one Beano attractive outfit—

Did a fill-in strip for Beano this week, and today’s title is double loaded. The strip is about Rubi inventing a magnetic suit, but when it came time…

Careful! COS you might trip on the stairs.

Another nurse outfit image from the pose files.

A rose by any other name, but what about Dandelions?

More (non) life drawing, and same girl as I ended with last week. Can you tell? No? Well… dang! Practice, practice.

Can you type 90 posts a minute?

I can barely do a drawing in 90 minutes! Anyway, here’s another sketch of the same girl who was in the selfie image I did. You’d never guess…

It’s all about you, isn’t it?

More non-life drawing, and this one was more about her expression; which caused me no end of trouble. She had this cute grin, and I never got her…

Will you Beano my pen pal?

Did a fill-in on Beano, and this week Rubi builds a pen pal… literally.

Itsy Bitsy Non-Life Drawing

Doing a lot of (non) life drawings to get my chops back up before doing Joe, and obviously most are from Japanese reference books. Don’t know if it…