Author: S.L. Gallant Page 18 of 70

Don’t forget to leave Santa a plate of Beano

Comics that is. What says Christmas more than pranking Santa? Ok, maybe that says Beano more than anything. Happy Holidays! From the recent Hanukkah, Christmas, to the upcoming…

Beano seeing double?

Nope, it’s taken out of context! These are two extra poses of Mandi that should be in the Beano Christmas issue (someplace). The snowman is actually a combination…

The Beano-sit gift of all…

Is filled with tons of non-biodegradable glitter! No, no it’s not. The real present on the Beano Christmas issue (which should have been out for a couple weeks…

Nice hat. Made in Taiwan? Bound to be authentic then.

It’s an old line from “As Time Goes By”, but it’s actually the reason I sketched this pose… ’cause I liked the hat.

Cavalier, the chicken hearted

Another inked version from the Dungeon and Dragons stuff. The whole set was about revisiting the characters years after the animated show ended. Where the children had grown…

Kimi wa hon wo yomu…

Ok I’m late to the party, but if you have Pandora/Spotify check out the Japanese band Scandal, specifically their album Hello World. The song “Hon wo Yomu” (…

She wore a black outlined beret…

Still working on finding my comfort zone on inking stuff, here’s another pose file image. One thing I’ve always been unhappy with is how comic shadows on skin…

Gonna beat you with an ugly stick!

Another inked image from my Dungeons and Dragons efforts.  And the original (poorly scanned) pencils—

Strike two!

Here’s another attempt at inking practice. I got a lot to work on, so this time wasn’t just about the drapery, which I should have picked a better…

Everything retro is wizard!

A while back I was doing a series of drawings based the old cartoon “Dungeons & Dragons”. I intended to take all the images to final, but neve…

Practice makes… ARGH!

As I mentioned, with a GI Joe run coming up, I’ve needed to get back in the habit of inking more for “hero” comics, than “cartoony” ones. I’ve…

It’s called clubbing, not “swording”!

I think you got the outfit rocking for a night of clubbing, but your choice in accessories is a bit off.  

Up, up, and draw it that way!

Another cosplay lady, but this time, more US based. 

Easy Breezy!

I figured if I was gonna practice more realistic drawing, I should include some inking as well. I’m still trying to figure out how the hell Butch does…


Again, a few more sketches from the pose files.

Ink it up, lil’ darlin’, ink it up!

As promised, here are the inks to that “chunk” off the cover of 291. Can you guess what plot device joins me in my return?

Hunka Hunka Beano luv

Kind of fitting that my last week of work on Beano (for now) includes a character that’s heavily based on the King. Uh-huh-uh-huh!

Just a little Beano off the sides, please

Beano Boss this week had some crazy hair going on. Kid was a riot to draw.

Where you Beano?

I did a puzzle for this week’s issue, sort of a “Where’s Waldo”, but I think this was my favorite bit.

You Beano bugging me!

An oldie, but a goodie.