Author: S.L. Gallant Page 27 of 70

Beano flubbering it up!

Colors of the panel from the Rubi Screwtop strip from today’s Beano!

Jumping Beano – Boing, Boing!

Pencils from the upcoming Beano- bit chaotic!

No Prize extended edition- p05

What’s the point if you aren’t going to include the bad guy? The A symmetrical helmet complicates the composition, so I cheated a little. Oh well.

You Beano keeping an eye on it?

Here are the colors for the panel shown earlier in the week, and from this week’s Beano. I mentioned I make notes in the pencils, of things to correct…

Beano big shift!

Here are the colors to the bit I put up earlier in the week, from today’s Beano. I mentioned stuff has to be independent, so the designers can…

Beano fixing it in post!

I did a Rubi strip for Beano this week, and even as simple as this one may have been I always have tweaks. I jot down little notes…

Beano a rough road

Did a board game page for this week’s Beano! These are a challenge (all the puzzle/joke pages are), because the design team need the elements on separate layers;…

Beano busy day!

Here’s the color of BananaMan from earlier this week. Check out the new issue to see the rest of this puzzle page where you have to locate Dennis;…

No prize extended edition : p04

The cat is out of the bag, but I’m sticking with the quiz aspect. I originally started these after I read the unused, final script to the cartoon…

It’s Beano great 70 years!

Dennis celebrates 70 years of entertaining kids today! Check out the new Beano and see where this little menace came from; well, sort of. Here’s to another 70…

Whoops, I dropped a Beano

Meant to post yesterday, but got sidetracked; so today’s a two-fer! Here are some snips from a couple of things coming up in this week’s Beano- which is…

No Prize- Fire in my hole!

Here’s another “No Prize” for you, and yes, it’s back to the Joes! There’s a hint in the art, and here is another one… he’s the worst names…

No Prize expanded edition III- the Reckoning

Some have already guessed what the series is, but here’s another one. Again, not GI Joe… obviously.

No Prize Extended Edition – no inks either

I really need to tighten the pencils, or ink these- anyway, here’s image two from the series for the No Prize Extended Edition- anyone have a guess? It’s…

No Prize expanded edition

NOT Gi Joe, but see if you can guess what this image reimagines?  

Beano at the drawing board

This was a last minute design (seriously, I drew it in about 10 minutes) needed for a Beano. I think the strip it was used in has already…

Beano up all night!

Yep, I’m doing my old “night vision” trick. It just amuses me. I did enjoy figuring out how I wanted to draw the Mom’s hair from the reverse…

Must Beano losing my mind!

So this is the Editor Reader for this week… why, WHY did I decide to do those stripes on his shirt?  Glutton for punishment. Ugh. Still- got to…

Beano rough month for mom, so far!

Starting to think we just like torturing Tricky’s mom. Twice in as many weeks! 

Stop Beano so gross!

Sometimes the best bit is drawing a character emoting how grossed out they are. Check out this week’s issue to find out why.