Author: S.L. Gallant Page 43 of 70

Mandi… Where’s me jumper? Where’s me jumper?!

Sometimes you get stuff you think is gonna be simple to do, but then you realize you’ve spent your whole career trying to make things look more sophis-to-mi-cated;…

It’s all Beano cleaned up, ma!

Why do I do it? The script reads simply enough, and shouldn’t take forever to do, but I still seem to find ways of making it overly complicated….

Rocket gal! Burning out her fuse up here alone

More Bombshell ladies! Kind of enjoying them to be honest, because it’s like the Rocketeer; only with more options.

I see Paris, I see France, no wait… it’s just more life drawing.

Here are another couple of sketches from the first session after the restart. These were both 25 min.  

You must be my lucky Star…girl.

Hadn’t really drawn the DC Bombshells before, and I’m diggin’ it.


I’m going with a new weekly format for a while, by only doing one post a week about Beano. I’m still going to show off the pencils, and…

Make mine Mjolnir!

I don’t think people make Thor’s hammer appear heavy enough. I always felt it should look like it takes some effort for him to wield it, not just…

Back to life, back to… well, life drawing!

There was a summer hiatus for the drawing sessions. It wasn’t for school schedules, but because the host gallery had an exhibit that made it impossible to set…

All the world depends upon you…

And the sketches that you do!


Here’s an inked version of an old sketch. Meh. Bummed, cause this is my favorite Rider— OOOs; and this is his sagozo form. I still love the opening…

The dark knight… no, the other one

No, not that one either! I mean the other, other one; the one from Kamen Rider Ryuki.

Slippery as Silk

More sketches for the heck of it…

Beano you little dirt devil, you!

Here are the finals on that panel from this week’s Beano! That’s some serious modification on a Henry vacuum!

Henshin! Gatak Attack!

Another Kamen Rider sketch- cause I just can’t be bothered. Anyway, if you follow this blog, you know I love me some blue lead. A few of the…

Beano Buster

Pencils from this week’s Beano, just look at my suped up vac! And remember US pals, like the Prof, you can get Beano digitally via their app!

Henshin Drag- uh, Dragen?

Someone is doing a Kamen Rider themed month of images, but honestly, with Intober coming up, it’s a bit much to commit to.  I’m just going to randomly…

Draw me like one of your French girls! ~ DUDE?!

The same male model, only this is the third version of the pose, he changed it a couple of times along the way. Grrr.

BONUS POST: Back to the Future Beano! (Belated)

So, there was some type of inter-web snafu last week, and apparently this didn’t post. Let’s try it again! Here’s that panel from earlier (issue 4k), now in…

Beano and eggs, again?

Yes, but does it do windows? Here’s that panel in color! Like my Chicken Run chicks?

Nothing new here, except more life drawings!

This is a model we’ve had a few times, and he’s… ok. Changes his mind about his pose a lot, even after he’s established it. Oh well. I…