Author: S.L. Gallant Page 61 of 70

Drawlloween & Inktober 28


Drawlloween & Inktober 27

Call of C’Thursday

Drawlloween & Inktober 26

“They came from outer space”

Drawlloween & Inktober 25

“Entombed Tuesday” ~ or “Rankin & Bass Do Dr. Who”

Drawlloween & Inktober 24

“Mechanical Monstrosity”

Drawlloween & Inktober 23

“Superstition Sunday”

Drawlloween & Inktober 22


Drawlloween & Inktober 21

“Phantom Phriday”

Drawlloween & Inktober 20

“Horses and Headless Men”  

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“Witchcraft Wednesday”  

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Theme of the day? “Mad Science Monday”

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It’s Sunday, so things are on a… relaxed schedule. Today’s theme?  “Full Moon”.

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Today’s (slightly altered) theme~ “Drive-In Creature Feature” Yes, I know Gojira/Godzilla belongs to Toho- so save the emails.

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Scarecrow Row (w/British pronunciation)

Drawlloween & Inktober 13

Thursday the 13th! ~ so close!

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“I’ve got a hunchback”  

Drawlloween & Inktober 11

Slimey Swamps & Foggy Bogs! A little old school action from Swamp Thing the movie!

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“(De)Monday” — but I added …Night Football!

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Today is “It’s a dummy, doll!” Submitted withOUT comment~