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Call of C’Thursday
“They came from outer space”
“Entombed Tuesday” ~ or “Rankin & Bass Do Dr. Who”
“Mechanical Monstrosity”
“Superstition Sunday”
“Phantom Phriday”
“Horses and Headless Men”
“Witchcraft Wednesday”
Theme of the day? “Mad Science Monday”
It’s Sunday, so things are on a… relaxed schedule. Today’s theme? “Full Moon”.
Today’s (slightly altered) theme~ “Drive-In Creature Feature” Yes, I know Gojira/Godzilla belongs to Toho- so save the emails.
Scarecrow Row (w/British pronunciation)
Thursday the 13th! ~ so close!
“I’ve got a hunchback”
Slimey Swamps & Foggy Bogs! A little old school action from Swamp Thing the movie!
“(De)Monday” — but I added …Night Football!
Today is “It’s a dummy, doll!” Submitted withOUT comment~