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A lil cameo never hurt… we’re coming to get you Barbara! I think this was Brian’s favorite panel ever… Wonder why? It’s a bit timey-wimey. Rubber…
I’ve seen the final of this floating around FB, so I thought I’d post the pencils for those who care. Enjoy!
I’ll be at Baltimore con the weekend of the 25-27, and sitting in the Kids Love Comics section (#3024) next to my pal, and tracer, Brian Shearer! (Hurry up…
Here’s the cover for the Death of Snake Eyes. This is probably the cover I’m most pleased with. Both the pencils and the inks. Keep your ears open,…
Here are the pencils for the big funeral spread of 214, apparently it’s been getting buzz. They even used it as a wrap around cover on the second…
For those who might be interested- the pencils for the cover of 214. Monday, the big spread!
Just a reminder that I’ll be appearing at Awesome Con this weekend in my home town of Washington, DC! I’ll be there with the likes of George Takei,…
There are guys in any industry that define it, and Herb was one of those. I only spoke to him a few times, but he was always kind…
In honor of the 4th of July, the digital versions of my entire run on GI Joe: Real American Hero (up to issue 203) are currently on sale…
Ok, by that I just mean we earned a mention on Bleeding Cool— thanks to AJ for the tip off. We’re about midway down the pike, look for…
Or just call her the Baroness! Issue 202 hit the stands yesterday, so I thought the pencils to the cover might be a timely addition. Enjoy.
You can’t just put it in a plain envelope. It’s Larry Hama for poop’s sake! You gotta decorate it!