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How many school girls to equal a librarian?

I should have added glasses for that lil’ bit extra.

Dinner date?

I think the wife might have something to say about it. That and the fact it’s just another pic from a pose file.

Oh, ninja poop!

More from the issue dropping this week. This is a tiny corner of a panel, but for some reason I was really happy with the pose. I try…

School days coming to a close

A lot of kids are winding up their school year, but all that makes me think of is… how focused the Japanese are on uniforms in their pose…

Yo Joe~ seriously, this time!

Back on Joe for a bit, and of course, it’s on an insane deadline; with the first issue dropping this week! I barely have time to think, so…

More GIJoe on the board…

But not here! Ha-ha! April fools! Here’s another pose file sketch. 

What’re ya standin’ around fer?

Fine, I’ll do more pose file sketches…

Get outta my dreams, get into my car…

That’s how that song went, right?  Another pose file lady, and this one’s in the driver’s seat, but she needs to get her feet off the steering wheel!…

Gotta fill the down time

I spend half my days waiting on other people to do their jobs, so to fill that, here are more pose file sketches. 

Back to non-life drawing

Well, the drawing sessions are only once a month apparently. Boooooo! So here’s another pose file sketch.

Life Drawing, Liberty, and the Pursuit of…

Well, whatever I was trying to find, I think I missed it! Again, model (@alightmodel) was solid, while I seemed to be drawing with wet Twiglet™. Hopefully next…

Put a little Life Drawing into it!

As I mentioned, got to go back this week for real life, life drawing. Mode (@alightmodel) was great, but me… not so much. It’s like I forgot how…

In the Game of Life Drawing…

The Joker is WILD! Doesn’t really apply here, but it’s a nice Power Records reference… ANYHOO. Got to go to my first life drawing session in over two…

Life drawing? Almost…

Here’s another pose file image, but I hope to post stuff soon from the life drawing session that happened on Monday.

Life drawing? Not yet, but SOON!

Found out recently that the gallery where I used to do life drawing sessions is restarting TONIGHT! Yea! On the downside, they’re only doing it once a month…

Beano hobnobbing with the famous!

Had to throw in some celebs in this week’s Har-Har strip- any guesses?

Rolling in the Beano

Rumo(u)r has it there are some guest stars in this week’s issue. I wonder if any of them will fly me to a concert? Doubt it. 

Haunted Beano

The Beano Boss this week has the ability to turn invisible, so I gave the design team an option where the Boss was slightly visible, like Wonder Woman’s…

Stairs are a pain in the Beano

Had to draw two sets of stairs in this week’s Beano Boss strip, and yes they are a pain.

Beano ware of what’s under your seat!

Sometimes the bark is worse than the bite, as this week’s Prank Academy shows us all.