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Not long back in Beano, there was a Bash Street Kids strip, and Mr. Sutherland was too busy to make changes. I tried to step in on this…
It’s been a pleasure to fill in for David Sutherland, but you can look forward to seeing his work again next week. No one can match his brilliance,…
Americans aren’t that familiar with the Beano, so when people ask me what I’m working on, and I tell them the Bash Street Kids, I end up having…
This strip had a great title, “Party like it’s 1899”. What a hoot.
Looks like it’s been a rough week for Smiffy!
Another shot you have to do at some point with the Bash Street Kids is them piling up on each other like a scrum!
Here are the colors for that BSK image from earlier. The skull is actually a couple of Easter eggs in one. Since this story has magic in it,…
As in some previous posts, this is another case where the script was a giant thumbnail; something you can see more at the top. It’s helpful because the…
Here are the colors for the BSK group run. I have to say the drool on Danny’s mouth is part of the story, and he’s not coming down…
One of the obligatory shots you seem to have in the Bash Street Kids is them running as a group. Here’s my first chance at that!
Here are the colors for the first Bash Street Kids I’ve gotten to do. One thing that’s also different on BSK from what I normally do, is that…
Bash as in the Bash Street Kids– not just poor grammar on my part! Anyway, the legendary David Sutherland needed a break, so I’m getting to fill in…