Tag: Life Drawing Page 1 of 8

In the Game of Life Drawing…

The Joker is WILD! Doesn’t really apply here, but it’s a nice Power Records reference… ANYHOO. Got to go to my first life drawing session in over two…

Life drawing? Almost…

Here’s another pose file image, but I hope to post stuff soon from the life drawing session that happened on Monday.

Anyone know the words to Blue Hawai’i?

Yep, more non-life drawing, only today it’s a new model! Like this one seems to be, the other must be on vacation. Kidding, photographs don’t go on vacation,…

Bubbling over with joy

More non-life drawing, with the same model as on Monday. She’s a goofball.

A rose by any other name, but what about Dandelions?

More (non) life drawing, and same girl as I ended with last week. Can you tell? No? Well… dang! Practice, practice.

Can you type 90 posts a minute?

I can barely do a drawing in 90 minutes! Anyway, here’s another sketch of the same girl who was in the selfie image I did. You’d never guess…

It’s all about you, isn’t it?

More non-life drawing, and this one was more about her expression; which caused me no end of trouble. She had this cute grin, and I never got her…

Itsy Bitsy Non-Life Drawing

Doing a lot of (non) life drawings to get my chops back up before doing Joe, and obviously most are from Japanese reference books. Don’t know if it…

Thwip it! Thwip it good!

Nope, don’t know who she is, but she had a lot of makeup on; which made the facial features a challenge. I sort of bailed half way, hence…

Sentence or Cos?

A lot of the Japanese pose book are girls in school uniforms. Ignore the fact the model is in her mid twenties. Maybe she was kept back a…

Nice shoes, Cos

Again, no idea who the cosplayer is, but I liked the pose… and the shoes. Didn’t turn out as Asian as the model in the pic, but hey—…

Course I’m scared, Cos that’s a big sword!

Another cosplay referenced image, no idea who she is, but I think the costume is Gantz. Pretty girl though, w/ beautiful hair, and scary sword.

Of cos you did!

More inking practice based on some cosplay images off the net. Didn’t see a name, so apologies to the young lady. 

Sharon another drawing

Supposed to be Sharon Tate, and inspired by a friend who still idolizes her.

Close, but no cosplay

Practicing some inking, which I obviously need. :¬P

Looking back– not far, but keeping an eye on stuff

So, how we doing so far? A week in, and… wait, oh crap— has Omicron shut down the world yet?

Ugh, still recovering from New Years!

Hope everyone has moved past any “self inflicted” pain from the holiday. That said, back to some heroines in anguish images. I think this one should be titled…

Another one bites the dust—

And another year’s gone, another year’s gone— Looking down on it? Yep. Sucked. Here’s hoping next year brings us all safety, joy, and closer friendships… not emotionally. Seriously,…

You’ve never given up on anything before…

Now draw! Back to the “risqué” search result references, here’s another pose with some drapery on an injured super heroine. Plus the hair was fun to draw. Not…

Sketching out my back

…and practicing my chops. Every artist I know has back problems… eventually. Yes, I’m that old. I draw an attractive girl in a hoodie, and all I can…