I’m pretty sure I’ve drawn this image before, from one of my pose files. Again, every day actions, always a challenge. From holding the phone, wearing a jacket,…
Simple, everyday actions- they require practice. People don’t do it enough, and that’s why so many characters look odd when putting on clothes, sweeping floors, carrying boxes, getting…
But love to watch you go. Kind of like Thanksgiving, you know, the last one…period. A lot of people will only draw characters from the front, especially in…
Well, it’s military related, what with the gear and all, so here’s an image from another Japanese pose file reference. I always fight to make helmets look like…
Hitting back to the first volume for this one, so no alternate angles this time.Their pic–Their more realistic version– Their manga style– And my shot–
Bruce Lee said something like that, and practice does make perfect… or at least gets you closer to it. Drawing, like the martial arts, is a perishable skill….