Dynamite is throwing a Kickstarter for the Bill Mantlo & Jackson Guice creation from the 80s, “Swords of the Swashbucklers“! Anyone who reads this blog, knows how much I love that series, and how that book that made me a Guice fan. The Kickstarter originally was to obtain the funding to reprint the classic series, but it met that goal in less than 48 hours. One the of the additional goals is if the campaign raises enough money, Dynamite will produce a new series of Swashbuckler stories. I can’t beg, um… encourage, people enough to go donate, and help make this happen! I have inside knowledge that if it gets new stories, Butch Guice will be directly involved! It’s a no-brainer that he’ll be providing covers for the books, but it’s also rumored that he’ll get to write stories for the series as well. Seriously folks, let’s make this happen! If I’m lucky as hell, maybe I’ll even get to participate on the new book, but even if I don’t, I can’t wait to see those characters in action again! Go over to Kickstarter and help out… there’s only a few days left!