The last ten issues of IDW’s GI Joe all take place at the casino. After a bit, it felt a lot like an old Dr. Who story from the 60s, with a lot of running back and forth in corridors. One scene, however, was a fight with a killer robot in an elevator. I tried to keep it a close quarters battle, and had the heroes use the height of the box to their advantage. Additionally, the android had to give off a Terminator feel, showing no emotions, while the humans are obviously in a life-or-death combat. Granted the poor guy waiting for an elevator got a bit of a surprise.

I will admit, when doing action sequences, I go for chaos. I want things to feel as frantic visually, as it would be for the people in the scene; hence I have a lot going on. It does slow the viewer down a bit, but I think it has a bit of a Six Million Dollar Man “Bionic-slo-mo” feel to it.