Tag: Cosplay

Cos I’m in love with Florence Nightingale!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Malpractice? Of cos not.

Well, I did my best. Sheesh. Another non-life drawing nurse cosplay sketch; and the closest likeness so far.

Cos I need a nurse, STAT!

Next to “school girl”, I would guess a “nurse” outfit is the most common costume for models in Japanese men’s magazines; so here’s my obligatory drawing of one….

Thwip it! Thwip it good!

Nope, don’t know who she is, but she had a lot of makeup on; which made the facial features a challenge. I sort of bailed half way, hence…

Nice shoes, Cos

Again, no idea who the cosplayer is, but I liked the pose… and the shoes. Didn’t turn out as Asian as the model in the pic, but hey—…

Course I’m scared, Cos that’s a big sword!

Another cosplay referenced image, no idea who she is, but I think the costume is Gantz. Pretty girl though, w/ beautiful hair, and scary sword.

Of cos you did!

More inking practice based on some cosplay images off the net. Didn’t see a name, so apologies to the young lady. 

Close, but no cosplay

Practicing some inking, which I obviously need. :¬P

Another one bites the dust—

And another year’s gone, another year’s gone— Looking down on it? Yep. Sucked. Here’s hoping next year brings us all safety, joy, and closer friendships… not emotionally. Seriously,…

Up, up, and draw it that way!

Another cosplay lady, but this time, more US based. 

Easy Breezy!

I figured if I was gonna practice more realistic drawing, I should include some inking as well. I’m still trying to figure out how the hell Butch does…

Non-Life drawing is suited up, ready for action

I think her suit was a Spiderman variant, bit I was more interested in her pose than anything, with her weight shift onto her one leg, with the…

It’s a Felony to be a victim of my (non)life drawing exercises

Here’s the incomparable Betty Felon, who is the other half of the talented duo which includes Jordan Gibson. She’s a talented cosplayer who posts a lot of photos…

Loomis out the details

This is a non-life drawing based on a shot of a cosplayer, but I don’t know the anime reference; sorry. I’ve been re-reading “Creative Illustration” by Andrew Loomis,…

Gege-get on that!

Back to drawing Kitaro, one of my favorite all time Japanese characters. I’ve loved every version of the anime, and what few comics I’ve been able to get…

Thru the non-life drawing looking glass

Another cosplay, photo based, non-life drawing.