Tag: Har-Har Page 3 of 3

Beano pretending to be Esther Williams?

If you don’t know who Esther Williams is, look it up. If you do, dang you old! Oh wait, that means I’m… forget it, kid. Oops, I did…

Beano busted

It’s 4th of July this weekend in the US, or as my Brit friends say “When ungrateful colonials threw a tantrum.”

Beano biscuit

No sir, I didn’t like it.

My what a Beano nose you have!

From today’s Beano! You know you want to see what this is all about, but you have to grab a Beano to find out!

Beano getting weird around here

I’m filling in on Beano, and I’ve been assigned their new strip which is about the Har-Har family, which own the Beanotown joke shop. The main character is…

Beano cutting logs!

Part of my Beano duties will also be the new Prank Academy segment, starring the Har-Har family.