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There are more Joes than you can shake a stick at. Backstop is one of those I look and, and scratch my head. I like parts of it,…
A friend once asked why it was that all comic costumes seem designed to point directly at a guy’s crotch. Destro’s grenadier costume does exactly that. I never…
Oh! GI Joe… ok. Not what I thought you meant. I’ll try posting a few Joes this month, and with that… I’ve been listening to the Speed Racer OST,…
I didn’t get to draw all the Joes while on the book, and there’s certainly a lot of them. I like the guys with animal sidekicks (don’t call…
Often ridiculed, rarely loved… Bazooka!
Yes, the infamous COBRA accountant, Raptor. I wonder if he can deduct those feathers?
OK, so I like classic Peter Gabriel, sue me; just don’t “@” me. A little FireF… er, uh, Shockwave, from GIJoe!
That’s not a mixed metaphor, correct? This was the loose initial sketch.And here is the tight drawing, with context. Man Shipwreck can be a jerk.
If you hit the shops, or go online, for comics today, check out my guest issue of GI Joe: Real American Hero #263! Paying a little love to…
With the end of Sgt. Slaughter week (this should be an official tradition IMO), let us end here on a high note; which would be… YO!
At least that’s what I’d expect him to say. I was on the GI Joe comics in some form for about 7 years. Sadly, the good Sgt. was…
Sgt. Slaughter the wrestling icon, and part time GI Joe character, was at the recent show in DC. I did a bunch of sketches of him, and drawings…
Come on, he’s a surfer- admit it. If I haven’t made it clear, these Joe character sketches are available for purchase; just reach out to me via my…
More GI Joe sketches… Outback
As you may know 245 is my last issue of Real American Hero, and it hit stands on Wednesday. To further encourage people to check it out, here is…
Today my last issue of GI Joe : Real American Hero hits the stands. Here are the pencils for the cover from issue 245.
I’m at Baltimore Comic Con this weekend, so if you’re in the area- drop by, grab some comics, and say hi! For now, here’s a 3 page preview…
UPDATE: I stand corrected, the issue doesn’t drop until next week, but tune in on Friday to see a three page pencil preview! We’re closing in on the…
Hits the stands today! Yo Joe!
Here are the pencils to the cover for i243 that comes out on Wednesday (Aug 30)! Check back that morning for a preview of the book, in graphite form!…