Author: S.L. Gallant Page 30 of 70

Not what it’s Beano looking like!

This may look like it’s part of the same strip posted earlier this week, but it’s two different ones; they both just happen to be set in a…

Do you really want to… SLAP me?

Oh, Snap! It’s Snake George! From the silliest damn Joe episode ever. It’s almost Thanksgiving, so feast on this! I hope I got all the cliche 80s imagery…

Beano side myself

I’ve mentioned before I prefer to approach comic strips more like a comic book, in that I try to keep shots from looking like they’re happening on a…

Don’t JAKQ me around!

Some of the most confusing costume choices ever, are in the tokusatsu show JAKQ. Mostly that silly jacket for the first commander, and the all white costume that…

Da Viper is gonna clean up this town!

I din’t know why I always come back to this character in Joe, maybe it’s because the episode is just so… hell, I don’t know. I always thought…

What a difference a day makes

Two things— If you follow this blog (thanks mom), then you know I enjoy drawing with colored leads. It stems from most comic artists that do their underdrawings…

Fast ball, curve ball, Hard Ball!

Looks an awful lot like other Joes I know.

New beginnings by going back to Japan

Back to the Japanese magazines for this one, but this is also the image that forced me to start playing with scanner settings! I really worked on the…

Arrrr, me scanning be improving me arrrrrt

I don’t have a pre-scan to show on this one, thank goodness. This is the new level of rendering I’ve been doing, and the fact it’s scanning better…

Gnaw on that for a while, Cobra!

A lot of Australian looking costumes in the Joe universe for unknown reasons. Case in point? Gnawgahyde.

Lil bunny foo-foo, not so much- in this non-life drawing

This is based on a cosplayer allyssooonnnn(?) but in her version she had bunny ears and a cotton tail. I dropped those. I’m sure it’s based on an…

Get back, Get back, Get Back Stop!

There are more Joes than you can shake a stick at. Backstop is one of those I look and, and scratch my head. I like parts of it,…

Across the rainbow bridge…

Like most comic artists, I don’t read a bunch of comics anymore. Recently they released the second volume of the Valkyrie series, and although I wasn’t that keen…

Rule the ring, Asuka!

A friend is a huge Asuka the wrestler fan. I did this drawing, and there is an inked version, but of course I prefer pencils. I did bump…

The devil is in the details, even in life drawing

Here’s a vintage pic, but can’t remember who the actress is. This was another image that the scan settings really changed the final of. First is the original…

Is that a sporan? Or are you just happy to see me?

A friend once asked why it was that all comic costumes seem designed to point directly at a guy’s crotch. Destro’s grenadier costume does exactly that. I never…

Teenage Mutant… you know the rest

Just a quick sketch, playing with the shapes, and the feet which always look like Nightcrawler’s in my versions.


Oh! GI Joe… ok. Not what I thought you meant.  I’ll try posting a few Joes this month, and with that… I’ve been listening to the Speed Racer OST,…

Beano thinking of Teddy

This week the Tricky strip had a chance to draw a dog, so I threw in a Weiner dog in honor of Teddy, a friend’s dog who is…

A little more Amabie for good luck!

The Amabie image I posted yesterday was actually the second version I did, and (I think) the better of the two, but here’s the first one. I’m doubling…