Author: S.L. Gallant Page 32 of 70

Non-Life drawing is suited up, ready for action

I think her suit was a Spiderman variant, bit I was more interested in her pose than anything, with her weight shift onto her one leg, with the…

Non-life drawing is out at the ball game

Another Japanese magazine image, which I guess is a method of distracting the other team? Who knows. It was all about the stripes, and cleats. As I’ve been…

Man oh mandible

Not every thing I have to draw is cartoon, heroes, or pretty girls; sometimes it’s… stuff like this. No, this sin’t my tribute to Georgia O’Keefe.

Non-life drawing from retro edition

Some image I stubbed across of a woman in a diner, sporting some retro fashion. Meh, not everything is the Mona Lisa. Again, here is a rescan, with…

Non-life drawing is not what it might seem

Cause this sure as hell, ain’t Melania

That’s how we became the BananaMan Bunch!

Got to do a Bananman activity page for Beano this week, which was driving me CRAZY from a technical standpoint, with no thanks to Adobe for changing how…

It’s a Felony to be a victim of my (non)life drawing exercises

Here’s the incomparable Betty Felon, who is the other half of the talented duo which includes Jordan Gibson. She’s a talented cosplayer who posts a lot of photos…

School is out for-ever!

It’s mid/late-September, is anyone still going to an actual school? If so, should they? Here’s another non-life drawing, based on a pic from a Japanese magazine. This one…

Loomis out the details

This is a non-life drawing based on a shot of a cosplayer, but I don’t know the anime reference; sorry. I’ve been re-reading “Creative Illustration” by Andrew Loomis,…

This looks like a job for Superman!

“I’ll call him on this old school payphone, because too busy I’m running errands.” said Jade. Yeah, more non-life drawing, but she was in a bathing suit, so…

Non-non-non-non-non-non-non-non-Life Drawing

More magazine based, non-life drawing. This week, drapery, cause it’s all about that jacket.

Up, Up, and Jose!

Been looking at a lot of Jose Luis Garcia Lopez lately. Everyone knows he basically defines the 70-90s classic look of all the DC icons, since he literally…

Life has been a bit sketchy this year

More Japanese magazine, photo based, non-life drawing. If it’s Japanese, you know school girls are gonna end up being involved at some point. This is still just a…

Non-life drawing is looking up

Only in the sense this is a low angle shot. I think this is the same model from an earlier post. This was a low angle pic, and back far…

That’s why he’s a hero!

OK, here’s a shot of the hero doing what they do best… heroic stuff. Red Rooster is available from AllegianceArts in most Wal-Marts!

What a dirty mug of a slug!

This is Slug Mug, he’s obviously the muscle of the gang opposing Red Rooster in the comic from AllegianceArts.

Gege-get on that!

Back to drawing Kitaro, one of my favorite all time Japanese characters. I’ve loved every version of the anime, and what few comics I’ve been able to get…

Summer is winding down, we still locked in?

I write most of these posts about a month and half out, and right now is somewhere in the middle of July. Summer for most people has been…

You hear footsteps?

This is another drawing of “Phantom Footsteps” from Red Rooster by AllegianceArts. He is one creepy dude, but even then, not the worst of the group in that…

You gone, n’ done it now Dennis, you Menace!

Here is the color of Dennis from the joke page this week. You’ll have to get the issue to see just what he’s been up to, and what…