Author: S.L. Gallant Page 56 of 70

Drawlloween 2017 : Day 13!

First up~ a reminder that tomorrow I’ll be at George Mason University on a comic panel at the “Fall for the Book” fair. The panel starts at 12:30…

Drawlloween 2017 : Day 08

This one is a late one, but here is what should have been posted on Day 08 with the theme of ~ Deep Sea Denizens Plus, Day 09 ~…

Drawlloween 2017 : Day 12

Yeah, I suck, but I’ve been busting my hump on that Bionic Man v GIJoe crossover you’ve heard about. Anyway, here’s today’s image, plus one of the late…

Drawlloween 2017 : Day 06 ~ Friday Folklore (late again!)

Yeah, I’m late with this, and Saturday, and Sunday… I hope to catch up later this week after I finish the current book. Hang in there. For now,…

Drawlloween 2017- Day 05 (late-sorry)

Been a busy week for me, as you might have seen yesterday. (Yester)Day’s theme ~ Full Moon Follies Next one is penciled, hope to ink it later.

It’s OSI-fficial!

What I’m doing, now that I’m off GI Joe: Real American Hero, has finally been announced! I hope everyone will be excited to see my work on the…

Drawlloween 2017- Day 04

Today’s theme ~ Pumpkin Wicked This Way Comes  

Drawlloween 2017- Day 03

Today’s theme~ Tombsday!  

Drawlloween 2017!

It’s a new year of Halloween themed sketches… let’s see how long I can keep this going. Today is a double dose~ Theme for yesterday (Day 01)~ Return…

More Swashbucklers~ why?

Cause I can. It’s my site, so suffer.  

Baltimore Con Sketch~01

Here’s a sketch from Baltimore Con of a lady Snow Serpent. This is before the Mr. Shearer put his inks to it. I hope he posts his version,…

GIJoe RAH i244 Pencil Preview

I’m at Baltimore Comic Con this weekend, so if you’re in the area- drop by, grab some comics, and say hi! For now, here’s a 3 page preview…

GIJ:RAH i244 Cover Pencils

UPDATE: I stand corrected, the issue doesn’t drop until next week, but tune in on Friday to see a three page pencil preview! We’re closing in on the…

Mail call!

Recent package art for my mom’s birthday~ She loves herself some Looney Tunes! Here’s the same image before I added color and the type. It’s a bit blurry,…


Remember a bit ago when I posted a cast shot of Dororon Enma-kun, and I mentioned that Dracula was part of that? I also mentioned I’d try to do a…

GIJoe Real American Hero i243 interior pencils!

Hits the stands today! Yo Joe!  

GIJoe Real American Hero i243 Cover Pencils

Here are the pencils to the cover for i243 that comes out on Wednesday (Aug 30)! Check back that morning for a preview of the book, in graphite form!…

180 degree turn~ YOWZA~

In direct contrast to all the kid friendly anime stuff, here’s a total turn. I’ve been having a clear out, and one thing I’m doing is tossing old…

Keeping the thread of a conversation…

Staying with the theme of recent posts, here’s one of “Dororon Enma-kun“, an anime series from 1973. The easiest way to describe it would be Gegege No Kitaro…

The last Kitaro!

For now anyway— but by the time this sees light, I’ll probably have done hundreds more. Here’s one in color. What can I say? I just love drawing…