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Ok, girls to the library, boys get to watch a hygiene film!
Either way… needs more salt
Aaarh, it be me day!
They won’t go down without a fart!
I think Smiffy joins the army this week, but Wilf seems to be a conscientious objector.
What? The teachers taking a fall? Surely not?!
You can scream all you like Scotty, everyone still hears “blah, blah, blah”!
But hey, at least climate change is a myth, right? Right?
I did that one before didn’t I? Oh well.
I bet you can smell out what’s going on here? Can you smell it?
The activity page has Khad making funny sketches of teacher, but what’s new?
The kids run amuck, but what’s new?
Music activity this week, but what beats a dog howling? Not much, I say.
Jam session, or Beano Bash? Play Free Beano!
Gongs. Everyone needs a gong. Sorry DW, branding it BSK just made more sense.
The activity this week involves multiple games to play with tennis balls. What is Toot’s gripe with that? Toots has two emotions, angry and… I’ll get back to you…
Teachers are always getting drenched in Beano, it’s mandatory.
As you read this, I’ll be finding out if I ended up on jury duty or not.
A little color addition for this week’s goofball descending a staircase.
Like I said, this week’s activity is to paint rocks, and who better to host it than the lovely Khadija?