Category: Comics Page 3 of 10

Rider Kicking it!

With all the rumors swirling about future plans over at Shout Factory, I thought I should toss these out for people to enjoy… especially the guys working so…

What? He’s doing military stuff again?

If you don’t know anything about my career, I’m sure my site comes across like the ping pong ramblings of a schizophrenic (not badmouthing the mentally ill, so…

Unused, but not unloved… a cover’s story

Here are pencils for a cover to a series that’s not happening now. I  thought it was ok, so I got permission to post it. Can’t say what…

Hulk trick-or-SMASH!


Xie Xie, Xena

Loved the show, and I still think it was a great re-imagining of Wonder Woman. Lucy Lawless would have rocked the star-n-stripes, they should work her into the…

Hey hey, ninja turtle, coming’ down the street…

Tell us what you’re gonna do!

Sleep well, & dream of large women…

I’m at Baltimore Con from today until Sunday (Oct 18-20)! Look what you could get from me at Baltimore Con from me, it’s a recent commission of the great…

Baltimore Con will be a Wonder! Well, Wonder Woman thinks so!

Here is another sketch of the greatest lady hero! Sorry, but you can’t get this one at Baltimore Con (which is this weekend Oct 18-20), it’s spoken for….

Purple rain. Puuuurple panther!

You may have seen how I like to use colored lead, well sometimes it scans well, sometimes not. It tends to over saturate when I bump up the…

Up, up, and out of her way!

Still enjoying these Bombshell, retro designed, costumes. The fun bit is doing the research and seeing all the details that you don’t notice right off. On this one,…

You say Namor, I say Namora…

Rocket gal! Burning out her fuse up here alone

More Bombshell ladies! Kind of enjoying them to be honest, because it’s like the Rocketeer; only with more options.

You must be my lucky Star…girl.

Hadn’t really drawn the DC Bombshells before, and I’m diggin’ it.

Make mine Mjolnir!

I don’t think people make Thor’s hammer appear heavy enough. I always felt it should look like it takes some effort for him to wield it, not just…

All the world depends upon you…

And the sketches that you do!

Slippery as Silk

More sketches for the heck of it…

I accept that challenge!

Recently Nate Cosby @NateCosBOOM over at BOOM comics, posted this… Well fine then, here you go…

That’s a kick to the head – #CobraKai

I’ll explain more about this later, but for now… sweep the leg!

You’re dead… and out of this world

Ok, I mean “Death” from DC’s Vertigo. On a side note, if you haven’t been watching “What We Do in the Shadows” on FX… immediately stop what you’re…

Who ya gonna call?

Your local comic shop! Today my Ghostbusters: Call to Action issue, which is part of the 35th Ghostbusters anniversary, hits the stands! I hope you guys will go check…