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Beano here before!

It’s not a Beano without some moshing! Issue drops today!

Beano doing hard time!

Here are the pencils form yesterday’s image.

Beano top of the world, ma!

Got to do another cover for Beano, and it hits the stands this week! Here’s a sneak of it!

SPECIAL – weekend post

A rare weekend post! Here was the second 20 min. pose.

Shaking off the cobwebs!

Again, I be rusty, but here was my first 20 min life drawing in over a year!

Life drawing? That’s still a thing?

It wasn’t for a long time, but luckily it has picked up for me. The local comic shop has been holding drawing sessions, so I’ve been trying to…

Beano-ing into the new year!

Here are the pencils from yesterday’s post. 

Where the heck you Beano?

Sorry for the long absence, but last year turned out to be quite the pressure cooker. From a couple of difficult mini series, to my new position on…

Beano help the bard!

Colors for this week’s Beano. You’ll have to pick it up to see all my swiped shots from “The Shakespeare Code” episode of Dr Who, and what the…

Beano magical day, me lord!

This week the Bash Street Kids are at the Rose Theater in London… eek! Shakespeare must be rolling in his grave with those rug rats running around.  

Beano looking good Mrs. Yodel

Here are the colors for the panel from before. Aren’t those glasses fabulous?

Beano seein’ you around

The Beano has a cast of characters longer than your arm, and some are just a riot to draw. This week’s strip has Mrs Yodel, the school secretary,…

Pencil me in for a Beano

There should be an activity page in this week’s issue, involving Teacher. Here are the pencils for the final that led into this post. 

Mind the Beano

Here are the colors for the panel I posted earlier. The issue drops today, so I hope everyone enjoys it.

Just Beano hanging out

For those who might not know, I’ve been given the honor of filling the position that the late David Sutherland, O.B.E. has left behind. I can never replace…

Oops, Chuck did it again!

Yes, even a bit more love for the designs of Mr. Jones, but this time from a few, rarely seen, toons. These are from various one-offs that he…

Aw, Paaaa!

More love for the style of Chuck Jones.  Here are some frames from his Three Bears toon “A Bear for Punishment”, plus a toss away design for a…

101st Hare Born

Ok, he’s not a paratrooper, but in “Forward March Hare” (1953), Bugs does mistakingly get drafted into the army. I did a post earlier about the Chuck Jones…

Fritz? Fuzz? Frisbee? Friz, yeah that’s it.

I really enjoyed the design of the antagonist in “Hare Less Wolf” (1958), and you can see hints of Freleng’s future “Pink Panther” design, which would come less than…


The debate over the drill sergeant’s use of vocabulary aside, the short “Forward March Hare” (1952)  is another class in design from Chuck Jones. I rarely see this…