I didn’t see anyone upload an example to my reference from last week’s Superb Owl post, so no-no-no prize goes to anyone! Anyway, here’s what I was paying…
As earlier, I’m playing with adding more shadows, feathering, etc… Bringing in some of the lovely rendering that Mike Perkins is so famous for, but obviously not at…
In keeping with the annual event taking place this weekend, I present this week’s “No Prize” Joe! As I mentioned before, I have issue with how helmets are…
I base most of these No Prize drawings on the model sheets in the “Field Manuals”. The animation sheets generally show more specific detail, but sometimes the toys…
Thought I had posted the pencils of this, guess not, but too late. Here’s a take on the Alex Toth Superman designs from the original Super Friends cartoon….
I seriously wanted to put “world’s most gullible dad” on the mug, but it didn’t fit. Then I was going to put “world’s biggest sucker”, but apparently lollipops…