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No way Joe-se!

GI Joe NO-Prize is back! Know who this is? No, it’s NOT Luke Starkiller, nor the original Buck Rogers; that would be copyright infringement.

United Beano Service

I’m not saying that’s the sort of delivery service we get, but any image is based on experience.

Juiced Beano

It’s harder to make people look like their struggling with a straw than you think it is. Trust me.

Is that a Van Beano?

When stuff gets set in a museum, I still try to make the effort to draw in the paintings. It’s only an opinion, but I think it looks…

Beano box lunch

I couldn’t figure out how to make a Bento Box joke- oh well.

Beano fest- again

To find out what gag Tricky is pulling on the family, you have to check out this week’s Beano, but it obviously requires mom working in the kitchen….

Minxing it up on the Beano bar!

I ended up doing the “Editor Reader” section for the Beano, which is where kids send in pictures to be included in the book. It’s stressful because you’re…

Back in Beano

Got asked to fill in on some Beanos at the last minute, so all this stuff was crazy rushed. Starts this week, and runs thru until the first…

GI Joe : Real American Hero – No Prize – Dec. 21, 2020

Today’s mystery guest–

GI Joe :Real American Hero – No Prize- Dec. 18, 2020

In the tradition of the Marvel No Prize, don’t just name the character, but tell us your theory justifying my additional detail to the character!

Whatcha know, GIJoe?

There are a ton of Joes, and even as long as I was on the series, I never drew them all. I’ve been posting drawings of the more…

Kamen Rider Toriniku!

A very quick sketch for a friend who sends me insane stuff— The obligatory – Toriniku Kick! With tamago timer belt!

It’s a Knockdown for GIJoe

As I said, I hit the “Field Manual”, find a costume, read the file card, and crank out a shot. I try to modernize some of the elements…

It’s always Joevember

Continuing to draw Joes I didn’t get to during my extensive run (how did that happen- oh yeah, there are a ton of them). I basically flip thru the…

The Beano prize for high level frustration

I think Tricky’s mom is one of my favorites in Beano. She has so much character, and has become an amalgam of all the moms I’ve known; from…

Meeting of the minds on the rooftops

For some reason the idea of Batman sitting on a rooftop, drinking a coffee popped into my head. Then I pictured other “rooftop” heroes dropping by, and bothering…

Beano crummy day

This week, Tricky actually uses his powers for good, but I won’t tell you how. I think my favorite bits to draw in the book are the parents….

Send it Sam Express!

Like many parents, some friends of ours are home schooling. They have a pre-school boy named Sam. He wanted me to draw a truck for him, and he’s…

Beano around the world, and I can’t find my baby!

The editor reader strip in Beano this week has a parody of a TARDIS, based on a classic British phone booth (ala Inspector SpaceTime on the TV show…

In a Beano where hope is lost…

Not every shot you’re asked to do is a thrilling, action scene. This one was simply described as “Then replace the pump on the sink“. The adventure, the…