Sometimes you see a shot, and ask… “Wonder if I’d have drawn it that way?“. In an issue before my restart, a panel caught my eye, and I tried a couple variations on it. Keep in mind the script specifically asked for a “pieta” like pose, so I’m taking liberties. There’s never enough time on a book, if you want to turn it in on time ( which is usually b/c the script was late), but since I’m not on a deadline… I get to play with it.

Big note, I’m not claiming these are better by any means, they’re just variations. The original work was as good as anything here, if not better; again because I had time to play with it, while the original artist was on a tight deadline.

That said– the first is close to the original shot, the next I tried to amp the emotion, while the third ignores the “pieta” instruction.