Author: S.L. Gallant Page 66 of 70

MORE to life than just “bits”— March!

I had a really wild time with this drawing session. Not only was this the bravest model I’ve ever seen, but the poses were rapid fire challenges. I…

Way(ward) off base- the bad guys!

Sketch of the creepy guy from Wayward.

Way(ward) down by the creek!

Oh give me a break. Anyway, Wayward has a lot of mythical creatures from Japanese folklore in it, like kappas. I loved the look of these, which was…

Eating my curds and Way(ward), along came a spider…

Yeah, I know, it’s a joke. Get over it. Here’s sketch #4!

Up, up and Wayward!

3rd sketch from Wayward– for those of you keeping count. There’s still more to come, so tune in next week.

In a comic, way, way, Wayward!

Second image from my Wayward sketches. If you missed the sale, I would still recommend picking up the series. It’s really fun, and the best bit is that, in the…

Way to go!

Today is the last day for the Comixology sales of Terry Moore‘s Rachel Rising, and Jim Zub‘s Skull Kickers and Wayward series- get over there and snatch them all up! Terry Moore…

February “Bits”

More bits. Anyone who knows me can tell you that I like to travel light to comic shows. I’m always trying to find a way to get the…

Stop a bullet cold–

A little Lynda Carter love— cause who doesn’t?

Taking a shot, at Bloodshot!

Here’s my shot at… Bloodshot! Ha! See what I did there? I loved Butch Guice‘s run on the Valiant series Bloodshot:Reborn, and the trade is out- so grab it. Beautiful stuff,…


As I mentioned previously, I had new designs for the cover tag box all ready to go, but they never saw light. I showed the Stalker one that had a…


Here’s the cover box design I did for Stalker. I guess it was too busy with the background, so the later ones I sketched out of Roadblock and Spirit, didn’t have anything behind them. I’ll post Roadblock later…

Double Whammy!

Remember the neat box that used to be in the top left corner of every comic cover, they are no more. IDW has dropped them in favor of…

When Captain America throws his mighty…

Sam Wilson is Cap now, but with a name like that- shouldn’t he throw baseballs? Or tennis balls? How funny would it be for him to hurl frag grenades,…

Feb Figs— Warning: Contains bits!

More life drawing… yadda, yadda. Weird how the scanner read the white chalk over pencil as a blue. I’m too lazy to color correct, so live with it.

It’s all in your head–

If you’re Ralph Phillips from the old Chuck Jones cartoons. A little something I did for my mom when we sent her some home made cookies, and Sherlock…

Who you gonna call?

Well they’re ghosts, busting other ghosts. Does that count? This is a book called “Ghost Club“ by the ever-clever Ned Hartley, under his company Heartless Comics. It’s a Dickens…

Get your nostalgia on!

There’s a big sale at Comixology this entire month of IDW licensed books– GI Joe, Transformers, TMNT, and Ghostbusters! Jump over there, and stock up on the cheap,…

Maxwell Blasto

Nothing’s worse than having a million-horsepower robot you can’t get rid of… puts a crimp in your dating life.

New Year Life Drawing

Here are some sketches from a recent life drawing session, and yes, I’m still doing my usual process. I did branch out though with a shot at doing…