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Oh there’ll be more next month, probably Monday as a matter of fact. For now, here are a couple of drawings to end the month with. These are…
Ok so a few more from April. This model must have been new, she was at least new to our sessions.
To make up for missing a post on Monday, here’s a double whammy; actually these are two weeks worth of model sessions. We had the same woman both times,…
Trying to give a “bit” of equal air time. 2 min. 10 min. 10 min. 20 min. 20 min. …and a 15 min.
Latest figure drawing sessions A few gesture poses… Then a 10 min. pose— Lastly some 20 min. renderings—
Here are a couple of “mailing art” pieces… An old joke, but always a fun one, to celebrate Spring and Easter… And a lil’ Joe art—
I had a really wild time with this drawing session. Not only was this the bravest model I’ve ever seen, but the poses were rapid fire challenges. I…
More bits. Anyone who knows me can tell you that I like to travel light to comic shows. I’m always trying to find a way to get the…
More life drawing… yadda, yadda. Weird how the scanner read the white chalk over pencil as a blue. I’m too lazy to color correct, so live with it.
Here are some sketches from a recent life drawing session, and yes, I’m still doing my usual process. I did branch out though with a shot at doing…
How about now?
I didn’t know they had officially signed Sherlock to play the US version of the Dr., but if he can levitate, why does he own a bed?
He can swim anywhere… Really? Even in dirt? What about on route 66?
Oh like you didn’t know… Holy Bat-gut!
WHY?! He shouts. Oh come on, the Hulk really is the hero version of Cookie Monster when you think about it.
I go thru waves where I just keep drawing a specific character, and lately it’s old gamma boy.
Sorry, it’s been a while, but it’s been busy and we now have this swanky new website thanks to the wife! For now, here’s a sketch I did for…
For a friend’s birthday, we went to the National Zoo to do some sketching. This was well timed, as it fit in with my recent attempts to improve…