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Boston branded Beano

Nothing like a little, subtle, branded, product placement. I can spell Adidas, I just can’t say it.

Full of Beano

Here are the colors to yesterday’s “process” post.

A look Beano hind the scenes- get it?

Some scripts are sent as rough drawings, instead of just typed out. They aren’t fleshed out with all the character action, so there’s a lot of room for…

Beano lot going on!

This was a busy week of work. A four page story, and a puzzle. I didn’t have time to do the cover (not that I enjoy doing them…

Beano and eggs!

Turns out, this was an Easter themed issue. Have a great holiday “peeps”! The main girl in the story wasn’t a pre-existing one, so I got to play…

Blue right down my shirt

Based on a photo book. Not sure if she was just putting the sweater on, taking it off, looking for crumbs, checking for spiders … who knows? Still…

Busted little Beano

This issue has a shout out to a little kid named Hazel, who had a bit of a fall, and broke an arm. She’s ok, but wanted to…

Mucha much?

More blue, and from another photo book. I loved the fabric in this, and tried to capture the subtle silhouette of her form under the skirt. I always…

Busting my Beano, wait- sounds dirty

Was a four pager in the Beano this week, so doubling up on some of the posts. No need to wait, so here are both pencils and finals…

Beano overacting?

Colors to the earlier post, and notice anything different? I thought Mahira’s head was a little big, so I reduced it.

Celebratory Beano fest

Here are the colors to the panel from earlier this week. Freddy is a hoot. 

Doubling down on the Beano

Here are the pencils and colors for the cover to this week’s issue. Covers are a pain, cause they ask you to make all the characters on their…

Mixed bag of Beano

Nothing like a goofy reaction shot. I try to keep the kids from making the same pose, or face, but sometimes mass confusion rules.

Beano put back on the job!

Well, back on Beano for now. Love me some Freddy, he’s just fun to draw.

Sumimasen, are those bugle boy jeans?

More blue line. It really was for the challenge of the drapery/shirt, I swear.  Odd how just changing it to grayscale alters the feel. Perhaps it’s the contrast…

Blue us a kiss

Another blue lead image, and the model in this photo book was a riot. She had this habit of acting like a goofy kid, which made her adorable.

Nice purse you got there, fake lady

More non-life drawings, from another Japanese picture book.

Blue, period!

More sketches from Japanese photo books. I’ve mentioned I love working in this blue lead, and it’s not just the color; but I’m sure that’s part of it….

Back, in the natto groove

Sketching from my Japanese photo books again.

She’s got… ZZTop?

Stuff I enjoy drawing- Coats, long hair, and heels– I don’t know why.