Category: G.I. Joe Page 9 of 10

GIJoe RAH #231 Interior Pencils

Here are the first 3 pages from #231 in their original pencil form. I guess the IADC had to make some layoffs, but I’m glad she found another…

GIJoe RAH #231 Cover Pencils

Since the issue came out today, thought I’d post some pencils from it, this week. Here’s the cover, sans inks. Check back on Friday for more!

I’m on the jazz! New postcards for #Baltimore Con!

The new postcard/prints are in! Here’s a sneak peek. Stop by the table I’ll be sharing with Brian Shearer at Baltimore Con to grab this new convention addition! This sucker is really more of a…

Love it when a plan comes together—

Ok, I may not be considered A-team material— yet, but the new banner is in. Sneak peak! Stop by the table I’ll be sharing with Brian Shearer at Baltimore…

Baltimore Con~ Postcards!

Or as I say to kids at the shows, “Things old people send to each other, that take days to arrive!” They’re going to be larger than previous…

GI Joe:Real American Hero #230 pencils!

New issue out today! Here are the first few pages in their pure pencil form. Enjoy!

GI Joe:Real American Hero #230 Pencils

New issue of GI Joe comes out this week, so mark your calendars! As if you haven’t already? Here are the pencils for the cover.

Happy 4th of July!

What says Happy 4th of July, or is more American, than a GI Joe (digital) sale at Comixology? NOTHING!

GIJoe RAH #229

Here are a few pencils from yesterday’s new issue! Here fishy, fishy, fishy…

Just the facts, Ma’am

New idea— how about I pick pages I was happy with (hahahaha) from recent issues. No matter how great inks are, they never have the same energy as…

From A to Zaranna

Over on Newsarama there’s a preview of the upcoming Joe issue 228 , and since I missed posting yesterday, I thought I’d make it up by showing the…


As I mentioned previously, I had new designs for the cover tag box all ready to go, but they never saw light. I showed the Stalker one that had a…


Here’s the cover box design I did for Stalker. I guess it was too busy with the background, so the later ones I sketched out of Roadblock and Spirit, didn’t have anything behind them. I’ll post Roadblock later…

Double Whammy!

Remember the neat box that used to be in the top left corner of every comic cover, they are no more. IDW has dropped them in favor of…

Get your nostalgia on!

There’s a big sale at Comixology this entire month of IDW licensed books– GI Joe, Transformers, TMNT, and Ghostbusters! Jump over there, and stock up on the cheap,…


Like Swashbucklers, or Micronauts, I used to eat up some Dreadstar. I really loved it more when he looked like a hermit. It helped that he had a Thundarr vibe,…

“So long old friend…”

The sappy song from the original Garfield special is what I always want to start singing to myself now when I draw classic Snake Eyes. Here’s a bit…


A lil somethin’ fer the ladies! Duke do love making castles in the sand!

GIJ 221= All I want for Easter

Not a whole lot of eggs this issue, but I did “Transform” this panel a bit. Can you guess which one isn’t a regular in this series? So not…

GI Joe 220= It’s beginning to look a lot like… Easter

More eggs! Larry loves having the bad guys in vans… creepy vans. I like to play with that. No one seems to have noticed my tribute to Reb…