Author: S.L. Gallant Page 47 of 70

The Queen looks to the future

The Queen thinks you need to draw better; and faster!

I usually draw with a stopwatch, so I know where I should be in my process, and how much time I have left. I got too wrapped up…

The Queen needs a Piña Colada!

Seriously, is this not the classic beach pose from an S.I. swimsuit issue? The Queen isn’t just great at holding a pose, but apparently she’s pretty athletic, with…

Queen of elegance!

I love this model for various reasons, the first being her ability to lock in a pose and not drift. She doesn’t just do ones that allow her…

The Queen returns!

My fave life model was back, and in grand form! (Is that a pun? I never know) She did not disappoint, because from the start, she was rockin’!…

Mind the oranges Duke!

A little DR & Quinch reference there. Anyway, another sketch from the recent show.

Not so awesome after all

Coming up are some sketches from the show, cause I had plenty of time on my hands. Ugh- sorry Brian! Although, this one did sell.

Previously, on “downer theater”, more life drawings.

Here’s the last life drawing sone on the same day Notre Dame burned. It’s too bad, because this model was really good, but I just wasn’t in the…

OK, honestly… the Notre Dame fire really broke my heart.

On the upside, I’ll be at Comics, Cards, and Collectibles in Baltimore for FCBD! I didn’t mention it last time, but most of the sketches this week were…

Bob Fosse would be happy…

Because I’ll be at Cards-Comics and Collectibles in Baltimore for Free Comic Book Day this weekend! Ok, probably not, but maybe Fosse would like this pose? He loved people…

Back to our regularly scheduled art dump

More man sketches… I just love me some blue lead!

Today will be AWESOME!

Last reminder that I’ll be at Awesome Con this weekend (Apr 26-28) starting today! I’m in Artist Alley (R1) with Brian Shearer (Inker:GI Joe / creator: William the Last…

Awesome is as Awesome Con does!

Another reminder that I’ll be at Awesome Con this weekend (Apr 26-28) in their Artist Alley (R1) with Brian Shearer (Inker:GI Joe / creator: William the Last /…

How awesome (con) is that Gung Ho drawing?

Another reminder that I’ll be at Awesome Con this weekend (Apr 26-28) in their Artist Alley (R1) with Brian Shearer (Inker:GI Joe / creator: William the Last /…

I woke up this morning, having the blues…

Blue lead that is. Don’t know why, but it feels so natural to work this way for me. Maybe it’s because I use non-photo blue for under drawings…

Who ya gonna call?

Your local comic shop! Today my Ghostbusters: Call to Action issue, which is part of the 35th Ghostbusters anniversary, hits the stands! I hope you guys will go check…

Tax day! Can I still write off these life drawing sessions?

Already did mine, but during a recent session, this model looked like she had forgotten to do hers. Must have worn her out, because she didn’t do a…

Classic, bro!

Something classical about these poses that save the drawings… mostly.

It’s been a hard road…

I gotta give it to a guy who is older than me,  and still willing to get up there to hold a pose; well played sir.

Princess reigns!

Back to my preference for that blue lead. It just appeals to me, who knows why?