Everyone should watch classic cartoons in slow motion, or better even frame-by-frame, it really helps one to appreciate the artistry and effort that went into the old shorts….
Here are a bunch of classic Tex Avery “takes” from various shorts, mostly “Homesteader Droopy”. The surprise for me when studying these old shorts is how they really…
Most are familiar with the iconic look of the main players Daffy Duck and Porky Pig, but the one-off cartoons done at Warner Bros. also show off some amazing…
One more Barney Bear post, with some from “Busybody Bear” and “The Flying Bear”, which features a wonderfully designed plane. Tat character steals the show. I’m sure some…
Chuck Jones seemed to love one design for a dog above all others, as he used it in multiple cartoons, across multiple studios. From Warner Bros. and MGM,…
Back to Barney Bear, there are just some great poses in those shorts, and some sweet facial expressions. The side characters always seem to get their poses pushed…
I love the Looney Tunes shorts with the bulldog, Marc Anthony, and the kitten, Pussyfoot, although I always assumed the cat was a girl, apparently it’s a boy….
As I said earlier, the classic cartoons are a source of joy, and for me it starts with Looney Tunes. Every fan has strong opinions about their favorite…
It’s all been crap lately in regards to work, and I’ve seriously considered just opening an Onigiri shop, and calling it a day. I’m sure many people go…
I really need to tighten the pencils, or ink these- anyway, here’s image two from the series for the No Prize Extended Edition- anyone have a guess? It’s…