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It’s time for the Groovies get together

I’ve mentioned my love for Filmation’s Groovie Goolies, from the dumb puns to the dad jokes; yet it’s always the character designs I come back to. Even though the animation…

Moused that one, did you?

Robert McKimson, and his brother Charles, don’t get enough credit in the WB universe, in my opinion. I admit they didn’t experiment as the other directors did, like…

What form, what grace… what a cop out

“Beep,Beep” (1952) is an all time favorite short, & considering a large chunk of it is an animation cheat, should have earned it an award for ingenuity. To…


“Baby Buggy Bunny” (1954) is a classic, with Chuck Jones is hitting on all cylinders in it. The violent baby shaking scene would be disturbing if you didn’t…

Up, up and underwear!

It was always fun to see the characters play dress up. Of course there was always Bugs in drag, but I also liked when he and Daffy would…

Yer cruising’ for a bruin!

The Looney Tunes with the three bears were always a love hate for me as a kid. I enjoyed them, but I always felt the Dad was a…

How wackiki can you get?

I didn’t know how many classic shorts have fallen into the public domain, and I’m surprised how much of their catalogs the big studios allowed to lapse. One…

They stole the show, Chuck!

More toss away character designs from (mostly) Chuck Jones cartoons. The whole right side is from “Touché & Go” a Pepe cartoon from 1957. The opening characters are…

Dog Days of… February?

More Tex Avery studies, and mostly of Droopy’s nemesis. There are also a couple “Red” studies, and I have to say, it’s amazing how the weak poses get…

Oh, say it isn’t sambo, Bugs?!

Sadly, while watching these old shorts I have to put up with the unfortunate lack of sensitivity, be it veiled sexism or (worse) flat out racism. “Southern Fried…

That’s NOT how I remember things-

I didn’t want to only focus on Looney Tunes as a sketching source, even if I enjoy them the most. I tracked down a bunch of the Freleng…

You get your hare done?

Getting back to Looney Tunes, it’s always interesting when main characters are shifted out of their normal model sheets. Whenever Bugs was in drag, someone all beat up…

That had to be a gigantic pain

Everyone should watch classic cartoons in slow motion, or better even frame-by-frame, it really helps one to appreciate the artistry and effort that went into the old shorts….

All Hare the King!

Bugs Bunny is, without a doubt, the king of animated comedy; and that’s a hill I’ll die on. He’s not even my favorite character, but it’s a fact….

It’s the Law of the West, Ma’am!

Here are a bunch of classic Tex Avery “takes” from various shorts, mostly “Homesteader Droopy”. The surprise for me when studying these old shorts is how they really…

Would you look at that?

Most are familiar with the iconic look of the main players Daffy Duck and Porky Pig, but the one-off cartoons done at Warner Bros. also show off some amazing…

Sam ole thing–

Yosemite Sam is rumored to be one of the most taxing voices to do. I read once that Mel Blanc‘s son replaced his dad for a while, but…

Well, Tex your time getting to that!

Told you I’d eventually get to sketching from Tex Avery shorts! Most of these are from “Señor Droopy” where our hero fights a bull for his true love…

Bearing down!

One more Barney Bear post, with some from “Busybody Bear” and “The Flying Bear”, which features a wonderfully designed plane. Tat character steals the show. I’m sure some…

On Your Marc Anthony, Set, Go!

Chuck Jones seemed to love one design for a dog above all others, as he used it in multiple cartoons, across multiple studios. From Warner Bros. and MGM,…